May 28, 2019

#TrueTalkTuesdays 42

“What isn’t measured isn’t improved.”


So the first two pictures are from today, the last two from about 3 weeks ago. I should have been taking pictures from the beginning 6 months ago, but oh well.

I have been taking body measurements though. Neck is 17″, up from 16″, chest is 43″, up from 40″, waist is 32.5″, down from 37″, hips 41″, down from 42″, thighs 26″, up from 24″, calves 16″ (same), arms 16″, up from 15″, forearms 13.5″, up from 13″.

Weight is now 192.6lbs. I started at 214lbs 6 months ago, a lot softer and less muscle than now. 6 weeks ago I was 185lbs, and then started lifting. So I have gained an average of 1.25lbs a week. I put on muscle and leaned out more. I determined this not just by looking in the mirror, but comparing measurements and saw my waist got smaller while everything else got bigger.

I also measure my heart rate, calories in and out, logging food, water, fasting times, sleep, and general feeling. I track the weights I lift, the speed and distance I cover in runs, and pretty much everything I can possibly measure, I do.

You might think that is a lot of work to do all that. For me, it’s second nature now. Back in highschool, I did everything with pen and paper, which was a pain in the ass. Now with phones and apps, it’s a lot easier, and most of the stuff is automated.

Bottom line, if you want to get better, you have to take score. Otherwise, you have no idea what you are doing is working, or how well (or bad) it is doing. It’s why we get graded in school, tested in belts, and ranked in competition.

If you don’t want to take it that seriously, that’s fine. But the results you will get won’t be serious either.

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree?

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