Trade Your Foot For Their Knee

Sometimes you have to give a little to get a little.

In this case, when they go after you ankle you can let them have it as you attack their knee for a nasty Knee Compression Lock. This hold can be devastating, so once again practice caution. The key here is to make sure you “turn the key” so that you create a lot of space just under their knee cap. More often than not, people will bail out of the ankle lock and try to save their knee, so be prepared for some desperation scrambles.

  • I have been doing this counter for many years as a calf slicer. Never thought about moving my arm up to attack the knee. Definitely going to try your variation.

  • Saad, sound like you’re about to make a few people regret they’ve met you 😉
    since you already have the body mechanic to attackk the calf, going to the knee will only need a small adjustment.
    so what i take from this: going to the knee too hard? calf slicer is also there!

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