
August 9, 2020

I’m coming back home. At least for a little while 🙂

My brother Marcos is going to be holding a NRA Boot camp that I will be attending from September 1st through the 7th, which should be a lot of fun. If you are interested in joining, I think he has 2 spots left. Just email him at marcosavellan@marcosavellan.com

Afterwards, my girlfriend will be joining me and we will be enjoying some down time in Miami. We will be doing some scuba diving in the Keys, and enjoying some of my brothers smoked BBQ.

If you wanted to get some training time with me while I’m down here in Florida, go ahead and send me an email at david@davidavellan.com.

I will make myself available for a couple of days to do seminars or teach private lessons.

Otherwise, I will just relax and enjoy my home state, before I return to Las Vegas to run my Martial Arts Retreat from September 29th to October 5th.

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