June 27, 2012

My brother and I made our rise to fame in the grappling world with three things:

  1. Wrestling
  2. Knee Through Guard Passing
  3. And LEG LOCKS!

After each webinar I do live, I take a vote on the topic of the next webinar.

The vote was unanimous – the people want leg locks, and they shall have them! 🙂

I will be covering my Leg Lock Attack Series that I have used to win matches in all levels of competition, from NAGA, GQ, all the way up to the ADCC World Championships.

To watch this FREE Webinar, all you have to do is register on the page below:


Click the link above, register for the webinar, and get ready to learn some awesome leg locks!

Believe and Achieve,

David Avellan

P.S. > You will want to tune in LIVE for this!

Every webinar, I show a few extra techniques that only the LIVE audience gets to see.

Plus, YOU get to ask the burning questions that may reveal a breakthrough in your MMA game.

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