December 3, 2019

#TrueTalkTuesdays 63

Starting a day off with bad juju is not a good way to go.

My girlfriend was has been using a Surface Go (a tablet) for over a year now with a protective case, but it did not have a screen protector. For some reason, she decided to put a screen protector on it.

That require taking out the protective case, and adding the film over it. She finished, and just as she was putting the tablet back in the protective case, it slipped and fell on the floor – cracking the glass and ruining the tablet.

The irony of trying to protect something and actually causing serious harm was not lost on either of us. She just walked away from it immediately. As a tech person, I sympathized with her, as this would be a nightmare situation for me, literally. I used to have nightmares of my PC dying on me and losing all my data, lol.

Most people would write this off to bad luck. But I don’t believe in bad luck, especially in a situation like this, where there were there were several preventative measures that could have been taken.

Some more background here, she was getting ready to go to work, and the tablet is her work device. So there was an element of rushing involved. She also asked me for help, but I was busy cooking breakfast, and she decided to do it herself – so there was a lack of confidence in doing the job. Finally, the work was done over a quartz counter on tile floors, meaning any fall would be catastrophic.

So things that could have been done were first, wait until after work were she wouldn’t be rushed (or wait for me to finish, as I have done this several times already). Second, the work should have been done in a safer environment, say on carpet or over a padded surface. That way a fall wouldn’t do any damage.

While this is a simple example of a “bad luck” situation broken down, you can apply this to just about any time you catch yourself saying “bad luck” and gather a learning lesson from it.

Using bad luck to dismiss mistakes or accidents is a cop out to shedding responsibility and learning a real lesson. It’s lazy, and does nothing for personal development. Taking responsibility for bad luck, while short term requires more flexibility on your ego, in the long term can provide greater rewards in learning from negative experiences.

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree?

Comment with your take on this. And if you like this article, please do me a solid and share it with your friends. Thanks!

  • Julian Nunez says:

    Oh your girlfriend must looove you! (NOT)… This is just the kind of thing chics really dig; having their fuck-ups broken down for them so they can learn a valuable life lesson from their man. (Again, a resounding NOOOT!). How’d it go down when you shared this with her, tell me, tell me? Are your testicles still intact? 😀 hahaha

    • If you fear sharing your thoughts with your partner, family, or friends, that doesn’t sound healthy to me. Her being a woman doesn’t change the fact that a lesson can be learned.

      Not all lessons can be taken easily, but doesn’t mean they aren’t worth learning. Of course at the moment she was not happy, and that isn’t the moment to jump on someone and start telling them what went wrong. But once they have settled down and have accepted the situation (which varies from individual to individual), there is a good time to analyze what went wrong and how to be better prepared for next time.

      That being said, she understood it, and in fact warned me because I just ordered a new screen cover and have to do the same replacement, so I would say it took well.

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