#TrueTalkTuesdays 107
Turns out my wrist needs more than stem cells.
It has now been over 1 year since I injured my wrist during weight training. I was doing a simple straight arm pull down, form was good, but somehow my wrist just popped in the middle of my last rep.
It was heavy weight, but doing cable machines on this type of exercise is probably one of the safest things you can do in the gym, which is what made the injury so bizarre.
Sometimes, even when everything is done right, something can go wrong.
It turns out that I tore the scaphoid-lunate ligament, a small ligament that holds a couple of the wrist bones together. It’s a common injury with athletes that usually just requires time off.
I didn’t know this at the time of injury (only found out recently after an MRI), but I did give it time to rest, then did physical therapy, and the stem cells. Unfortunately, none of that completely fixed it.
While the tear was small and healed, apparently it bled into the wrist and created some scar tissue that got stuck, which is why it still bothers me (and why the stem cells didn’t help).
So they have to do an arthroscopy to remove the scar tissue, which is a simple procedure and not nearly as invasive as my knee. Time to heal to 100% is 6 weeks according to the doctor, but I’m sure I will bounce back sooner.
I won’t lie, it’s been a struggle. I have been dealing with the knee, then the wrist, then the ribs, and it’s frustrating to be close to 100% but not quite. However, despite the set backs, I do feel I have made more steps forwards than backwards. Over the past 2 years, I have gotten stronger, leaner, and hopefully wiser than I have ever been – keyword is hopefully, lol!
Once I have my wrist fixed up, I should be fully operational. My knee is better than ever and fully functionally with strength and range of motion. So once I get the wrist fixed, I can get back to my Kimura game (which has been disabled because of the wrist).
This also means that during this 6 weeks I’m probably not going to be able to do much grappling or weight training. So I’m going to have to focus on leg work and cardio. That part I’m going to have to play by ear, so wish me luck.
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree?
Comment with your take on this. And if you like this article, please do me a solid and share it with your friends. Thanks!
Stay positive, it’ll pass quick enough . Keep your mind right and do what you can . Pain pills two days at the most , if at all.
thank you for your post , I do enjoy them
Wise words and wise decision. I know without reservation that you will be back before you know it. This also gives you time to hit the reset button and learn from this experience and inspire others that face adversity head on!
Hope it goes well, I did my scaphoid in a motorcycle crash. Still niggles in the cold and damp, but you should be good in Vegas!!
Have a speedy recovery David!
Hope all goes well for you David,i do enjoy your videos tips and tricks, regards Morgan