
April 18, 2012

We all take risks in life everyday.

Every time you go outside you risk getting hit by a car, getting mugged on the street, or even bing struck by lightning.

However, we do not consider someone who goes outside a risk taker. Why is that?

Because, we have assessed these risks and have deemed them to be low probability events.

But someone who puts there life savings on a hand of blackjack is definitely labeled a risk taker.

Risks are given a negative connotation and are generally avoided, while opportunities are seen in a favorable light – even though they are the exact same thing.

All of the great success stories in life started by taking advantage of an opportunity that most people deemed too risky.

I say this so that you don’t dismiss opportunities when they pass you by, each one must be measured and assessed before you can pass judgement on them.

The important thing to realize is that no great endeavor will come by easily or without risk. There is always the possibility that you can lose – even in your current situation.

Nobody is safe from being fired or losing there house in a freak accident / especially in today’s economy. Think about this when the next opportunity comes your way.

  • Greg Pogas says:

    Yes, i agree with this! There is always some element of risk looming in the balance, and ill be sure to examine my own personal life today to see where i shouldnt and shouldnt be taking more of risks.

  • Great point! I’ve always seen myself as a “measured” risk taker, meaning I sometimes measure the risks until the opportunity is gone. Basically commiting myself to take no action by the act of noncommital. This, I think has cost me dearly in fights as well as business in the past. I would neg myself out by considering how much I have to lose, instead of how much I have to gain. This kind of goes back to one of your previous points, David: Winners Keep Their Mind Focused On Success. Losers fear failure.
    It’s funny, I started coming to terms with this after my last fight where I just underperformed and lost against someone I should’ve been able to dominate. I had superior technique, experience and great conditioning, but didn’t fully apply myself. I was full of myself and didn’t want to fully expend myself because I didn’t want it to look like I had to try that hard, and also didn’t want to risk losing even though I gave everything. I call that mentality “Wanting to play in the water without getting wet”.
    This has haunted me since that fight, and I’ve vowed not to do it again. I did not think of this in business terms, however. When it comes to fighting, I generally see only myself as being on the bad end of the negative consequences. With business and financial risks, my entire family would feel the harsh blows of my failure. Therefore I saw it as acceptable to not “put my family at risk” by taking chances with the way I do business and fully applying myself.
    I’ll have to take some time to consider all of the ways this has affected me in the past, and how I can take action in the future to chase success, not just run from failure. Thanks so much for these very thought provoking insights you’ve provided. Your training videos have been great, but I’ll say some of your insight has been even more helpful to me all-around. To think, I only started subscribing about a week ago lol. I deeply appreciate you posting this.

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