April 2, 2012

Making a morning run part of your wake up routine is a great way to energize yourself.

If you haven’t done this before, you maybe surprised at the energy boost you get by kick starting your metabolism. If you are busy throughout the day, getting some exercise before your day starts is a good way of avoiding excuses that will pop up.

You will need to replenish yourself after your run, and that is where smoothies come in handy. I always run hot, so an ice cold beverage comes in handy 🙂

I like to keep my smoothies as raw as possible. No added sugars or frozen fruit. I just cut up my fruits and vegetables on the spot, throw them in the blender and I’m good to go. This recipe I will share now is a light and refreshing smoothie that has only 146 calories per serving.

Orange Papaya Sunrise

  • 2 California Naval Oranges
  • 1 Cup of Papaya (140g)
  • 3oz Strawberries
  • 4oz Blueberries
  • 1/2 Cup of Ice
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